President: Jan Adolph

Jan has been a member of the ANARE Club since 1984. He wintered as an electrician at Davis in 1982 and Macca in 1984. After returning from Macca he commenced full time at Australian Antarctic Division. He has spent a number of summers down south since then and has also been on a few round trips.
Jan has visited all the stations plus Commonwealth Bay. He is currently planning to travel to Heard Island.
Jan has visited all the stations plus Commonwealth Bay. He is currently planning to travel to Heard Island.
Treasurer: Michael Ooyendyk

Michael continues as Treasurer on the Tas branch Council. He was heavily involved in organising the successful Tasmanian 2008, 2009, 2011 and 2012 Midwinter dinners.
Michael was the chef at Davis in 1996 and Macquarie Island in 2000. He has recently spent several summers (08/09, 09/10) as the summering chef at Davis.
Michael was the chef at Davis in 1996 and Macquarie Island in 2000. He has recently spent several summers (08/09, 09/10) as the summering chef at Davis.
Social Secretaries: Marilyn Boydell and Michael Carr

Marilyn has been on the Tasmanian state branch for 4 years as expeditioner liaison officer (now taken over by Jan Adolph). In conjunction with Michael Carr is now organising the 2013 Tas branch Midwinter dinner.
Marilyn has also been on national council for the 2 years as a general council member. Marilyn was the station leader at Casey in 2000, 2002 and 2006.
Marilyn has also been on national council for the 2 years as a general council member. Marilyn was the station leader at Casey in 2000, 2002 and 2006.
Web co-ordinator: Ingrid Mcgaughey

Ingrid is the current web co-ordinator. She also co-ordinates the popular Tas branch newsletters advising of news and events of ANARE and Antarctic interest. Ingrid was president of the Tasmanian state branch for three years (2008-2010) and organised the 2008, 2009, 2011 and 2012 Tas branch midwinter dinners in conjunction with Michael Ooyendyk. She has served on the National Council as Vice President in 2009/10 and was President in 2010/11.
Ingrid was the doctor at Mawson in 1998 and Macquarie Island in 2000 and has also written a number of articles for Aurora including the history of huts on Macquarie Island, the cat eradication project and contemporary accounts of life on station.
Ingrid was the doctor at Mawson in 1998 and Macquarie Island in 2000 and has also written a number of articles for Aurora including the history of huts on Macquarie Island, the cat eradication project and contemporary accounts of life on station.
Council member: George Cresswell

George is an honorary research fellow at CSIRO in Hobart. He has had a 4-decade career as a physical oceanographer working in Australian and SE Asian waters. He wintered as an auroral physicist at Mawson in 1960 and participated in a 300-mile tractor train journey from Binders Base to Mawson. For recreation he took down his Velocette 350 cc motorcycle to ride on the sea ice.
After Mawson he completed studies for a PhD at the University of Alaska, had a year at the University of Calgary, and then joined CSIRO. He was born and educated to BSc level in WA.
After Mawson he completed studies for a PhD at the University of Alaska, had a year at the University of Calgary, and then joined CSIRO. He was born and educated to BSc level in WA.