President: Michael Carr

Treasurer: Noel Barrett

Macquarie Noel was the Senior observer radio (these days called the met tech) at Macquarie Island in 1964 and Wilkes in 1966. Later he was responsible for training many of the met techs who went south in the 1970s. Noel is passionate about Antarctic history and has recently been published in the Polar Record. This is is third year as the State branch treasurer.
Social secretary: Michael Ooyendyk

Michael is new to the Tas branch Council, but was heavily involved in organising the successful Tasmanian 2008, 2009 and 2011 Midwinter dinners. Michael was the chef at Davis in 1996 and Macquarie Island in 2000. He has recently spent several summers (08/09, 09/10) as the summering chef at Davis.
Webmaster: Ian McLean

Ian has set up the Tas branch web page which serves as a primary point of contact with ANARE members especially at Midwinters. He has been south as a TelecommunicationsTechnical Officer numerous times including Macquarie Island 1992, Mawson 1995, 2001 and 2007, Casey 1997 and 2005, Davis 1999 and 2003 and summered at Heard Island 2001.
Expeditioner liaison: Marilyn Boydell

Marilyn has been on the Tasmanian state branch for 3 years and is the primary contact for talking to current ANARE expeditioners about the ANARE Club in the predeparture briefings at the AAD. Marilyn has also been on national council for the last year as a general council member and sales officer. Marilyn was the station leader at Casey in 2000, 2002 and 2006.
Representative for the North: Peter Cutler

Peter was the electrician on Macquarie Island in 1968 and has been an ANARE Club stalwart for many years. He was hopeful of seeing the ‘great white south’ when selected for the ANARE Club berth in 1978 and then 1979, but each time was thwarted by Antarctic Division logistics. He has been on the Tas branch council for 3 years, providing liaison for members in the North of Tas, and organising a brilliant midsummer (or thereabouts) dinner in the North each year.