Tasmanian Branch News September 2010.
The Royal Society of Tasmania (RST) recently hosted a lecture series on Macquarie Island over 3 evenings. All were well attended, with between 150-250 people at each presentation, including quite a few ANARE Club members. Topics were diverse, and covered geology, mapping, meteorology, governance and the rabbit eradication program to name but a few. We thank Pat Quilty, the current president of the RST (and ANARE Club member) for publicising these free evenings. Pat has posted a summary of the presentations on the Tasmanian website, which has already recorded quite a few hits. More detailed summaries of the 9 presentations can be purchased at nominal cost from the RST. See the Tas branch or RST website for further details.
The Australian Antarctic Division, CSIRO and Institute for Marine and Antarctic studies also host free seminars throughout the year. Details can be accessed on the websites of these organisations or again through the Tas branch website.
Meanwhile our website is continuing to evolve. A ‘gallery’ section has been added featuring photographs taken around Davis by current expeditioners Nick Roden and Kim deLaive. It is planned that this gallery of images will be an ongoing feature, changing every 3 months or so. Michael Ooyendyk is actively liaising with current expeditioners to increase participation from the stations. We view the ‘gallery’ as a win-win situation. The profile of the ANARE Club and our associated websites is increased to those ‘down south’, and in return we are treated to some amazing pictures.
Funding has been secured from the National Council to initiate an ANARE oral history program in Tasmania. I would like to publically thank the Council for acknowledging the importance of collecting our ANARE history, as well as financially supporting the purchase of recording equipment and workshops on designing appropriate question formats and effectively recording oral histories so we can get started.
A grant application for further funding from the Tasmanian Community Fund has also been submitted. We will know in November /December whether we have been successful in this round.
The Tasmanian project will initially serve as a pilot program, which will then be extended throughout Australia to interested state branches or parties. Further details on the project are available on the Tasmanian website, and an update (and request for volunteers...) will be published in the next Aurora.
The 2012 Tasmanian Midwinter Dinner is gearing up to be larger than usual as part of the Australasian Antarctic Expedition (AAE) centenary celebrations. Possible venues and format will be discussed at the Tas branch AGM on the 27th September 2010.
Which leads me onto goodbye as a new Council will be elected at the AGM. A final thank you to all –I have thoroughly enjoyed being part of the Tas branch Council and getting to know a large slab of the ANARE Club community over the last 3 years. I wish the new President and council all the best.
Ingrid Mcgaughey
The Royal Society of Tasmania (RST) recently hosted a lecture series on Macquarie Island over 3 evenings. All were well attended, with between 150-250 people at each presentation, including quite a few ANARE Club members. Topics were diverse, and covered geology, mapping, meteorology, governance and the rabbit eradication program to name but a few. We thank Pat Quilty, the current president of the RST (and ANARE Club member) for publicising these free evenings. Pat has posted a summary of the presentations on the Tasmanian website, which has already recorded quite a few hits. More detailed summaries of the 9 presentations can be purchased at nominal cost from the RST. See the Tas branch or RST website for further details.
The Australian Antarctic Division, CSIRO and Institute for Marine and Antarctic studies also host free seminars throughout the year. Details can be accessed on the websites of these organisations or again through the Tas branch website.
Meanwhile our website is continuing to evolve. A ‘gallery’ section has been added featuring photographs taken around Davis by current expeditioners Nick Roden and Kim deLaive. It is planned that this gallery of images will be an ongoing feature, changing every 3 months or so. Michael Ooyendyk is actively liaising with current expeditioners to increase participation from the stations. We view the ‘gallery’ as a win-win situation. The profile of the ANARE Club and our associated websites is increased to those ‘down south’, and in return we are treated to some amazing pictures.
Funding has been secured from the National Council to initiate an ANARE oral history program in Tasmania. I would like to publically thank the Council for acknowledging the importance of collecting our ANARE history, as well as financially supporting the purchase of recording equipment and workshops on designing appropriate question formats and effectively recording oral histories so we can get started.
A grant application for further funding from the Tasmanian Community Fund has also been submitted. We will know in November /December whether we have been successful in this round.
The Tasmanian project will initially serve as a pilot program, which will then be extended throughout Australia to interested state branches or parties. Further details on the project are available on the Tasmanian website, and an update (and request for volunteers...) will be published in the next Aurora.
The 2012 Tasmanian Midwinter Dinner is gearing up to be larger than usual as part of the Australasian Antarctic Expedition (AAE) centenary celebrations. Possible venues and format will be discussed at the Tas branch AGM on the 27th September 2010.
Which leads me onto goodbye as a new Council will be elected at the AGM. A final thank you to all –I have thoroughly enjoyed being part of the Tas branch Council and getting to know a large slab of the ANARE Club community over the last 3 years. I wish the new President and council all the best.
Ingrid Mcgaughey
ANARE Club Tasmania News Previous Months : July 2010 April 2010 Febuarary 2010 November 2009 August 2009 June 2009 March 2009 December 2008 October 2008
ANARE Tasmanian Branch Report July 2010
Firstly many thanks to Michael Carr for organising a successful Tasmanian Midwinter dinner. With 120 people attending there was a real buzz in the air and plenty of mingling and laughter. It was a bit of a reunion extravaganza with groups from Macquarie Island 1970, 1990 and 2000 as well as Mawson 1954 and 2003. Photographs from the night can be viewed here.
In addition to our usual interesting expeditioners and partners there were a number of 'special' guests including Lyn Maddock (director of the AAD and now a veteran of all 4 Australian stations and master slushy), Mark Tucker (Deputy Secretary to Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts and Davis 82 expeditioner), Jon Stephenson (member of the 1955-58 Trans-Antarctic expedition with Bunny Fuchs) and Ralph 'Noddy' Fletcher (President of ANARE Club). Both Lyn and Noddy gave short, personable and well received presentations. Our guest speaker, botanist Dana Bergstrom, gave a very interesting presentation discussing evidence of climate change in the subantarctic regions.
Unfortunately the Midwinter festival in Hobart did not eventuate this year, as the Tasmanian Government have decided to save money and resources for the 2011-12 Australian Antarctic Expedition Centenary celebrations. Despite this there were several events on show including a photographic exhibition of the 'Aurora Australis' by Doug Thost, and several public lectures and guided walks covering aspects of Antarctic history.
Marilyn Boydell organised an Antarctic film festival over the midwinter period in conjunction with cinema owner John Kelly at the State Cinema in Hobart. The 3 films, 90 degrees south, the Endurance and Scott of the Antarctic, were well attended. Marilyn plans to organise another film festival with John Kelly next Midwinter.
If you would like to be on our email list for notification of events etc, send your contact details to ingridmcgaughey at gmail.com. We prefer to communicate largely by email, but obviously if you are not on email we will make alternative arrangements.
A Tasmanian branch ANARE Club meeting is planned for Monday 27th September at 19.30 at Hadley's Hotel main bar /lounge. (Address: 34 Murray Street, Hobart). We are keen to involve as many people as possible so the branch is dynamic and reflects our members interests, so please come along. The meeting usually goes for 60-70 minutes, and also provides an opportunity for catching up with other ANARE Club members.
Issues to be covered include:
* Planned liaison with departing AAD expeditioners to provide information on the ANARE Club,
including membership and activities.
* 2010 Midwinter dinner -a discussion of the night with a view to making the 2011 dinner even better
* Future social events including a midsummer (or thereabouts) dinner to be held in the north of the state
* Mawson centenary celebrations update
* Tasmanian branch finances
* Election of a branch committee including: Membership /Recruiting co-ordinator,Treasurer, Social Secretary (organiser of the Tasmanian Midwinter dinner), Webmaster, Representative for the North of the state and President.
Please consider volunteering for the council. It is hardly onerous with only 2 meetings a year and is a lot of fun! I would particularly encourage people from the northern part of the state to join the committee. Much of our business is handled by email and telephone.
This year I am DEFINATELY stepping down as president. I firmly believe we need new ideas and people to keep the branch interesting and dynamic. After 3 years it is time to move on!
Finally I would like to pay tribute to the current Tas branch council: the indefatigable Ian McLean (webmaster) who really has a 'can do' attitude, Noel Barrett (treasurer) who always seems to balance the books and track down ownership of unlabelled transactions, Marilyn Boydell , who performs an invaluable role as our chief liaison with incoming expeditioners at the Australian Antarctic Division, attending 4-5 sessions each season at Kingston to present information on the ANARE Club), Peter Cutler (representative for the North and brilliant organiser for the annual midsummer dinner in the North of the state)and Michael Carr who did such a splendid job organising the 2010 Midwinter dinner. A special thank you to all the other ANARE Club members, who although not (current!) council members have offered a lot of support and advice over the last three years.
Ingrid McGaughey
Soon to be ex president of the Tasmanian branch!
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Tasmanian Branch Report April 2010
The Tas branch of the ANARE Club trundles on. Most of our energy is currently focussed on planning for the 2010 Tasmanian Midwinter dinner at Hadley's Hotel in Hobart on Saturday 19th June.
Several other events are happening around the time of our MWD. Rikki Barrett is hosting a relaxed croquet tournament at nearby Sandy Bay on Sunday 20th June. Please see our separate 'ad' in the April edition of the Aurora or on our web page.
There is also a 3 day conference titled Antarctic Visions: Cultural perspectives on the southern continent at The University of Tasmania (Hobart Campus) from the 21-23 June 2010. Open to all, the topics are varied and interesting including discussions on climate change, whaling, the rethinking of the heroic era, polar psychology, Antarctic travel and tourism, and polar pastimes to name but a few. Further details can be located on the website at http://www.utas.edu.au/ejel/antarctic visions/
Also Pat Quilty has advised that the Royal Society of Tasmania will be hosting a midwinter lecture series on Macquarie Island at the Sir Stanley Burbury Theatre at the University of Tasmania on the third Tuesday of each month (June 15, July 20, August 17). All are invited to attend. Topics to be covered include the present status of the rabbit eradication program, as well as why Macquarie Island is part of Tasmania rather than New Zealand (a great story!). Further details can be located at the Tas branch webpage http://anaretas.webhop.org/
So, there's quite bit happening in Tasmania around Midwinters. We hope to see you down here!
Ingrid McGaughey
President Tas branch
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Our annual dinner in the north of the state was held on Saturday 27th February in Launceston. Organised by Peter Cutler of Evandale, it was a most enjoyable night. This year there was a total of 18 people attending, including 14 expeditioners. (See photo). The Tas branch council are keen to run a similar event in February 2011, and hopefully dinner numbers will continue to grow each year.
Our plans for the 2010 Tasmanian Midwinter dinner are coming along nicely. This year Michael Carr is organising the event which will be on Saturday 19th June. Once again we plan to hold it at Hadley's Hotel in central Hobart, and once again we have decided to make it open to both ANARE and non ANARE club members and their guests. Last year was a great success, and we are planning to make this year even better. Michael can be contacted on or see our contact page.
A flyer with more details is in this edition of the Aurora. A notice has also been posted here. Please come and join us -we would love to see you there!
Several other events are happening around the time of our MWD. Rikki, an absolute live wire and coincidentally the wife of our treasurer Noel Barrett has offered to host a relaxed croquet tournament at nearby Sandy Bay on Sunday 20th June. Cost is $10 pp and includes a BBQ lunch. Transport to and from town (a distance of around 5 kilometres) can also be arranged. Please see here for more information.
A few weeks ago a number of ANARE Club members attended a reading /walk through performance of 'Antarctic the musical' in Hobart. The rock musical is basically about the lives, loves and tribulations of a wintering crew at an Australian base, and there was plenty to identify with. Although all characters were supposedly fictitious and based on no one person in particular, there did seem to be fairly universal agreement on the identity of the station leader...
The fact that the rock musical was written by Dana Bergstrom, a veteran of many expeditions south, and had music and lyrics by partner Dugald McLaren, another ex-expeditioner, meant that many aspects of the production had a quirky Antarctic edge to it. As Dana wrote in an email '...it's a play about us...' However non Antarctic members of the audience appeared to also enjoy the performance.
The production was the end result of a week's workshop and the aim was a 'proof of concept' show. Directed by Allan Jeffrey and Leiz Moore, with Charlie Hull as musical director and a professional cast headed by Ryk Goddard, Mandy Lowrie and Colin Dean, I'm hoping that this is one musical that gets up and running.
Finally many thanks to Marilyn Boydell and Barbara Smith for making time to present information on the ANARE Club to new expeditioners at the Australian Antarctic Division in recent pre-departure briefings. Our final briefing for the 2009/10 shipping season occurs in early March prior to the departure of V4 and the Macquarie Island changeover.
We have also contacted all the station leaders and had flyers detailing the benefits of joining the ANARE Club distributed to everyone on station by email. We will follow this up again in the post Midwinter period.
Almost the entire Tasmanian ANARE branch executive recently caught up with Owen Holmwood, the ANARE Club representative on V3 prior to his departure. We had a most enjoyable night, and managed to load him up with flyers, application forms, merchandise and the odd present or 3 for partners down South. (Thanks Owen...!)
In many respects it was fortuitous that Owen was scheduled for V3. This voyage which is designed to resupply Mawson and deliver non essential cargo to Davis carried few summering or wintering expeditioners on the outward journey. As such, the usual pre-departure briefings and our opportunity to meet with expeditioners did not occur. However there are still plenty of round trippers, as well as some returning crew, and Owen was planning to spread the word on the ANARE Club.
If you would like to be on our email list, please contact us
Ingrid McGaughey
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Tasmanian Branch Report November 2009
Launceston Dinner February 2010
The Tas branch of the ANARE Club is planning a dinner in Launceston on Saturday 27th February 2010. It is designed to provide a summer get together for both members and non members of the ANARE Club, and their guests. It also provides an opportunity for people, particularly from the north of the state, to get together and have a say in the running of the Tas branch of the ANARE Club and yes, there will be a brief meeting prior to the dinner to discuss upcoming plans for the midwinter dinner and other issues and it would be great if you were able to attend!
Peter Cutler is organising the dinner which will be held at the Mud Restaurant at the Seaport. It is suggested that each person order from the menu and pay for what they eat or drink rather than have a set menu and cost. Entrees are between $15-25, and Mains $25-35. Please contact Peter if you are interested in attending or would like further details. If you are from 'out of town' and planning to stay for the weekend, early booking for accommodation is recommended. Further information including location of the dinner, a sample menu and attendance list will be posted on the web page under 'upcoming events' in the next month. For those members who prefer or are unable to drive, and are interested in attending, please let me know as it is likely we can organise collection /car pooling. If people wish to share rooms to cut costs, again let me know and we'll see what we can suggest /organise.
Liaison with incoming expeditioners
Marilyn Boydell and I have been busy meeting the incoming expeditioners and providing information on the ANARE Club, including how to join, prior to departure. The AAD Director Lyn Maddock and pre departure briefings organiser Christine Woolley have both been very supportive of this initiative. The initial session was a little disappointing as our initial 15 minute scheduled session with the Macquarie Island crew literally became 2 minutes due to the scheduled program running (very) late, and expeditioners racing to catch various buses at the end of the day. However the second session with Antarctic summerers and winterers was more successful, despite being scheduled once again late in the day. We have designed the information session to be more 'punchy' than previous years, highlighting the benefits of being involved in the ANARE Club, while at the same time trying to appear friendly and approachable. The shorter presentation (and lack of PowerPoint presentation) was well received. Follow up flyers on the ANARE Club have also been distributed on the 'Aurora Australis' and Marilyn, in her capacity of National Sales officer, has also organised a range of ANARE Club merchandise to be sold on the ship, further increasing our profile. Further sessions with the incoming wintering expeditioners are also scheduled. We plan to follow up on these sessions with an 'ANARE Club' reminder email to current station leaders to forward onto the expeditioners.
Web page additions
Our webmaster Ian McLean has set up an online forum on Tasmanian branch website. It can be accessed
via: http:// anaretas.webhop.org. Initially there was a flurry of activity as people checked out, and posted comments in the new forum. However over the last month or so the number of active postings has waned. This is despite the Tas branch website consistently recording more than 5000 hits a month since June 2009. Interestingly around 23% of these hits are accessing the forum webpage. If only they could /would write!! Seriously though, it would be great if the forum became more dynamic, but realistically the Tasmanian branch is relatively small, and it is likely we will have periods of quietness. I expect the forum will become busier as the Midwinter dinner approaches, and provide increased opportunities to network with other members. And a final, somewhat surprising, statistic on our webpage access: 26% of our hits were identified as originating in the USA, 21% Australia, and 1% each from New Zealand and the Russian Federation.
Midwinter Dinner 2010
An early plug! The dinner has been booked for Hadley;s Hotel, Hobart for Saturday 19th June 2010. Michael Carr is organising the dinner, so it's sure to be a good one. He can be contacted on phone: or see here. Further details will be published in the next edition of the Aurora and on our webpage in early 2010.
Publication in 'Polar Record'
Finally, congratulations to Noel Barrett (Q 64, W 66) on his recent publication in the October edition of the prestigious 'Polar Record'. Entitled 'Norway and the winning of Australian Antarctica' the article questions whether we won or simply gained the Australian Antarctic Territories and is sure to be controversial. Noel is planning to submit an abridged version for publication in the Aurora Magazine. Best wishes to all for an enjoyable Christmas and New Year,
Ingrid McGaughey
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Midwinter dinner
Once again the Midwinter dinner was fabulous night out. A number of formal reunions were celebrated: Mawson 1954, 1962 and 1969, Davis 1982 and 2008/09. Overall 120 people, including 91 ANARE expeditioners, attended the dinner. A concurrent exhibition of Antarctic and sub Antarctic photographs by David Sinclair (in place for the Hobart midwinter festival) added to the atmosphere.
Highlights of the night included an interesting presentation by Ian Allison covering the latest on changes to the Antarctic ice sheet and links to climate change, (complete with illuminating ice cube demonstrations) as well as the calling of the years. However the main emphasis was on mingling, talking and just having a good time. Many thanks to our MC Marilyn Boydell for co-ordinating the night, and also to Brett Free for manning the ANARE merchandise table.
Next year our dinner will be at Hadley's Hotel in Hobart on Saturday 19th June 2010. We'd love to see you there! More details will be posted on our website in February 2010. This year we were fully booked three weeks in advance, so please consider booking early if you would like to attend.
Midwinter festival
This year a number of local ANARE Club members volunteered to assist with the annual Midwinter's Festival in Hobart. The Tasmanian museum and art gallery opened their excellent permanent Antarctic exhibition 'Islands to Ice' one night with over 3000 people attending. Many ex expeditioners were on hand to guide and talk with members of the public on the exhibits (many of which have been donated by ANARE Club members) and their own experiences of being 'down south'. The schools program with visits to the museum, CSIRO and a husky display at the National archives was also very popular.
Our website and new website forum
Our website is fast becoming a vital part of our communication network. Webmaster Ian McLean reports that we have a marked increase in our web site traffic over the last few months. In July we averaged 166 hits per day.
A more comprehensive report on the discussions at the AGM can be accessed on our website. Alternatively I am happy to post a hard copy to Tasmanian ANARE Club members who do not have internet access.
I can be contacted on .
Ian has also designed a website forum which can be accessed via our general web page.There's already been a few interesting postings, so feel free to join in and reply.
The AGM was held on 3rd August 2009. Fourteen ANARE Club members attended including Peter Cutler, who drove down especially from Launceston. Despite promotion of an internet chat connection to enable other members who live outside Hobart to have input into the meeting, this did not proceed due to lack of interest. However I still believe this should be offered for AGMs and similar meetings so ANARE Club members from all over the state at least have the opportunity to participate.
The following members were elected to the Tas branch council:
· Treasurer: Noel Barrett
· Membership /Recruiting: Marilyn Boydell
· 2010 MWD organiser: Michael Carr
· Webmaster: Ian McLean
· Representative for the north of the state: Peter Cutler
· President: Ingrid McGaughey
As you know, I was keen to step down as President, but for various reasons this did not occur. While I am really pleased with the calibre, enthusiasm and support of the current executive, I still feel it is important that it is not the 'same old' people each year. It is important we stay dynamic and keep a range of fresh ideas coming in. Please consider nominating for the council next year.
Marilyn Boydell and myself were also recently elected to the National ANARE Club executive. I think that's a very positive move for the Tasmanian branch members, and hope we'll continue to have formal representation on the national council.
Future social activities
A dinner for ANARE Club members and their guests is planned for early February 2010 in Launceston. Further details will be available from Peter Cutler or via our website at http://anaretas.webhop.org.
We are also in the process of planning a function at the 'Islands to Ice' exhibition at the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery for incoming expeditioners and ANARE Club members sometime in October 2010. Please keep an eye on our website or contact me directly for further details.
Membership drive
We are keen to promote membership of the ANARE Club to current and previous expeditioners whom are currently residing in Tasmania. An email has recently been sent to everyone on our email list (mainly generated by attendance at the Tasmanian midwinter dinners). Personal approaches will also be made to friends and colleagues who are not current members, and with expeditioners whose membership has lapsed.
Marilyn Boydell and Barb Frankel are also planning to meet with incoming expeditioners at the Australian Antarctic Division to provide information on the ANARE Club, including membership.
Ingrid McGaughey
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Tasmanian Branch Report June 2009
Preparations are now well underway for the Tasmanian Midwinter dinner. It's looking big! We have 120 attending (the maximum our venue can hold). A number of people have missed out, so consider booking early next year to avoid disappointment.
Our webpage is up and running thanks to Ian McLean. The address is www.anaretas.webhop.org. Ian tells me we have had over 1500 hits in the last month, with a record 361 hits in one day (the day we sent a group email advising the final midwinter dinner attendance list was on line).
A Tasmanian branch ANARE Club meeting is planned for Monday 3rd August 2009 at 19.30 at Hadley's Hotel main bar /lounge. (Address: 34 Murray Street, Hobart). We are keen to involve as many people as possible so the branch is dynamic and reflects our members’ interests.
There are a number of members from other parts of the state who are keen to be involved. We plan to set up a concurrent internet connection enabling on line 'chat' so they can contribute to discussion and decisions on the night.
Issues to be covered include:
· Planned liaison with departing AAD expeditioners to provide information on the ANARE Club, including membership and activities.
· 2009 Midwinter dinner - a discussion of the night with a view to making the 2010 dinner even better
· Future social events including a midsummer (or thereabouts) dinner to be held in the north of the state
· Tasmanian branch finances -and yes we are solvent!
· Election of a branch committee including: Membership /Recruiting co-ordinator, Treasurer, Secretary, Webmaster, Representative for the north of the state and President
Please consider volunteering for the committee. It is hardly onerous and is a lot of fun! From my perspective I will be stepping down as president, mainly because I think it is important to keep fresh ideas coming in.
Finally, if you would like to be on our email list, send your contact details to or ring . We prefer to communicate largely by email, but obviously if you are not on email we will make alternative arrangements.
Ingrid McGaughey
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Our plans for the 2009 Tasmanian Midwinter dinner are coming along nicely. Once again we plan to hold it at Hadleys Hotel in central Hobart, and once again we have decided to make it open to both ANARE and non ANARE club members and their guest. Last year was a great success, and we are planning to make this year even better. A flyer is enclosed in this edition of the Aurora. A notice has also been posted on the Tas branch web page as well as an initial (and growing) list of attendees. Please come and join us -we would love to see you there!
At our last ANARE club meeting in Hobart it was decided that we should have a club meeting followed by a dinner at least once a year in the north of the state. The aim was to provide an opportunity for meeting up and enjoy each other's company., as well as encourage participation in ANARE executive decisions (which to date have been more Hobart focused).
A small group descended on Cradle Mountain for the weekend of the 7th February 2009. Actual attendance from northern members was disappointing, despite publicity through email, the Aurora magazine and northern newspapers. We would welcome further feedback from members in the north of the state, but the main issues appear to have been centred around geographical distance and time travelling to Cradle Mountain, a preference for a more central location (e.g. Launceston) and other pre-existing commitments in February. Despite this, it was universally agreed that those that attended had a fantastic weekend. Various options for the Midwinter dinner were discussed in the bar prior to settling down for a most enjoyable meal in the Cradle Mountain chateau restaurant. The majority of us had a very extended weekend, and took advantage of the marvellous countryside with a variety of pursuits including horse riding, kayaking and walking in the National Park. We plan to continue these social get togethers and branch meetings around the state to involve as many members as possible, and would welcome input from members as to location and format. Please email, ring or write to us to contribute. Meanwhile Marilyn Boydell and myself linked up with the Macquarie Island wintering expeditioners for an information session on the ANARE Club and membership. Because of the small numbers involved, the session was a lot more informal and both Marilyn and I felt it worked well. We would be keen to have a similar arrangement with next years expeditioners and will discuss this further with the Antarctic division. The ANARE Club have also forwarded a number of current Aurora magazines on V5 Aurora Australis to Davis and Macquarie Island stations.
Finally, it is with regret we advise members of the death of John William Hinton on 13 February 2009 in Tasmania. John wintered as a Diesel Mechanic on the 47th ANARE at Davis in 1994. John was 54 and he is survived by wife Susie and children Patrick, Madeleine and Davis. A memorial service was held in Hobart on 23 Feb 2009 and was attended by several members of the 1994 group.
Ingrid Mcgaughey
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New Web page
Firstly a huge thankyou to Ian McLean who has set up a web page for the Tasmanian branch. Contributions (upcoming events, a rticles, photos etc) are welcome and can be sent to Ian for inclusion at the above address. We are hoping to make the web page a focal point for accessing branch information. Ideally we would like to list Tasmanian club members and their contact details to facilitate communication between members. Individual permission will be sought from each club member before their details are listed.
Dinner at Cradle Mountain February 2009
The Tas branch of the ANARE Club are planning a dinner at Cradle Mountain on Saturday 7th February 2009. It is designed to provide a summer get together for both members and non members of the ANARE Club. It also provides an opportunity for people, particularly from the north of the state, to get together and also have a say in the running of the Tas branch of the ANARE Club…yes, there will be a brief meeting prior to the dinner to discuss upcoming plans for the midwinter dinner and other issues and it would be great if you were able to attend! At this stage it looks like we will have dinner at Grey Gums restaurant (part of the Cradle Mountain chateau). It is an a la carte menu –entrees are $12-20, mains $20 -$35 ballpark. Please let me know ASAP if you plan to attend so I can confirm numbers for dinner. I can be contacted here. Further information including accommodation options, a sample menu will be posted on the web page under 'upcoming events' in the next few days.
For those members who prefer or are unable to drive, and are interested in attending, please let me know as it is likely we can organise collection /car pooling. If people wish to share rooms to cut costs, again let me know and we'll see what we can suggest /organise.
Several people have already indicated that they plan to spend a weekend or longer at Cradle Mountain. There are multiple accommodations varying greatly in cost and amenity. This is a popular period however, and early bookings for accommodation are recommended.
Liaison with incoming expeditioners
Marilyn Boydell has taken on the role of meeting with incoming expeditioners and providing information on the ANARE Club, including how to join, prior to departure. Marilyn recently made an excellent presentation which was widely appreciated and generated quite a few enquires. Many thanks to Al Dermer for formally scheduling us in the pre departure briefing and also to Dr Tony Press for supporting the initiative. We are planning a further session with the incoming wintering expeditioners in January 2009. Ideally we plan to follow up on these sessions with an email to current expeditioners again highlighting the many benefits of becoming involved in the club.
Finally, as many people are aware, Dwayne (Davis 2008 chef) from northern Tasmania was injured in a quad bike accident at Davis Station. He is currently recuperating in hospital. We wish him all the best. Have a great Christmas and New Year.
Ingrid McGaughey
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Midwinter Dinner
Our midwinter dinner attracted 80 ANARE expeditioners including surprise guest Dr Phil Law. Special reunions were organised by the Macquarie Island 68, 88 and 2000 crews as well as a large group from Davis 82. Partners and friends of the expeditioners were also welcome, with a total of 110 people attending. This made for a fabulous night, with the emphasis on mingling and talking, rather than strictly planned activities. We were particularly pleased with the large number of more recent expeditioners who chose to attend, making for a very diverse range of ages, interests and experiences. Michael Carr (D94, MI98, M00, D02) was our MC and proved to be an excellent choice. There were several very interesting presentations including an overview of the early years by George Cook (MI66, Q68) and an update on current rat eradication plans for Macquarie Island by Keith Springer. (MI 00, 05, McMurdo89, Scott 01/02/03).
Chris Gamgee, the formal ANARE Club representative, discussed changes to the ANARE Club website, while Phil Law gave a fascinating talk on the various trials, tribulations and triumphs of the very early ANARE years. Phil also proved to be a great hit with many of the more recent expeditioners who were thrilled to meet the ANARE man in person.
Special mention should also be made of our very own Peter King (Q48, M57, M58, C77, Q79) now 87 years of age who commuted some 5 hours by public transport to Hobart to attend the Midwinter dinner. What a legend!!
Plans are already being made to hold the 2009 Midwinters dinner in Hobart on Saturday 20th June. We hope you will join us!!
Macca 1968 reunion
Peter Cutler and his wife Christine hosted an extremely successful reunion for the 1968 Macca group and their partners. Jenny Simpson made an amazingly detailed cake covered in lurid green icing, models of penguin rookeries, seals and huts. This was transported (very carefully) by car from NSW in a huge custom made box, and then shared by all at the Midwinter dinner (many thanks!). Details are sketchy but the midwinter dinner was only a small part of their get together. It seems they basically circumnavigated the state en masse visiting various Antarctic festivals and exhibitions, wineries, restaurants and holidays shacks.
Macquarie Island Pest Eradication Project Newsletter
The latest newsletter in PDF format can found here. Back to the top of this page
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